Thursday, March 24, 2011


Strength- the quality of state of being strong. 
Force, courage and might.

Another word for Faith is persuasion in this verse and strength here means miraculous power. Be persuaded, be strengthened.
Hebrews 11:11 Through Faith also Sara herself received Strength to conceive seed and delivered a child when she was past age, because she judged Him Faithful who promised.

Friday, March 18, 2011



     A flourishing, healthy condition; the time or period of greatest beauty.
         We all have a chance to bloom.The more we are willing to be ourselves the more life from within will spring forth.Your voice is unique, your gifting is unique, even the sound of your dance is unique. 
                                           Only you can be you. 
       "We are each planted in a garden in the midst of a great variety of flowers. Each has its own color, fragrance, and season of blooming." James Goll

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Du Francais le langue de l'amour..

This is my own Eiffel Tower....
it was a gift from my friend Laura Ruiz.

Du français la langue de l'amour. Growing up I always wanted to learn a foreign language. I have yet to visit Paris. To some people it might be a waste of time to learn another language, especially one that is not used around our area. French is the official language in 30 countries..

Coming up French professuer.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Maggie Deller posted," It takes time to learn another language but it is so totally worth it as it opens up another realm of possibilities and access to a person or a group of people you may not have had otherwise. It creates understanding greater than the assumption. And yes, sometimes one needs a 'translator' to bridge the gap too while you work at learning the other person's language."

Taller del Sabado :)