I recently saw the movie "Courageous" and the movie targets mainly fathers, but along the way everyone is touched and inspired. In the movie one of the character's loses his daughter, and goes through deep pain, that maybe initially he does not know how he will ever overcome. This desperate father seeks the help of his pastor, and his pastor points him to the Lord. The pastor says something really powerful, "that we all need time to grieve, and that living with the loss of the loved one was like living with an amputation, because even though you healed you were never the same. But that those who do go through a loss like that develop such an intimate special relationship with the LORD that others do not know what that is like. The pastor gives the man the choice to be bitter over his daughters death, or to let the Lord heal his wound with his help. Not only does this man embrace the Lord; but with the Lord's help and seeking scripture he becomes a better father, husband and friend.
If one member of the family hurts we all hurt. Earlier this year we lost my Tia Letty...she battled cancer. As you see her here, this was her attitude with just about everyone. She is Loved and missed. Super Alegre as we say! She will always be remembered for the joy and cariño she contributed. Todavia sueño contigo...
Mi QueridoTio Jose (hermano de mi papa), se nos fue en el 2009. Lindisima persona...Extraordinario.
Tia Bertha and my Tia Martha sharing her heart, imparting Honor and Love for family. |
Grupo Eterno: ministering to the hearts through songs. |
Tio Isidro sharing words of encouragement, sharing that even when Lazarus died Jesus wept. |
Yesterday, my family also had a bitter sweet funeral. My Tio Carlos passed away, the last of my grandfather's brothers. I didn't know him much, but for what I see he was a father that had so much love for his family. As my Tia Alma would say: " He would give his life for any of us." Even though a funeral is always painful, it was beautiful; because there was so much honor and real Love for Tio Carlos. There was so much harmony and loving kindness amongst our family. A complete "lean on me."
Bianca and Tia Irma |
Mis Primas Lindas |
@ Capricornia..of course I made Bianca put on the Mask..lol. |
My lovely tias and my beautiful mother |
Yep I was also guilty... But Tia Alma is so Glamorous! |
1 Cor 12: 24-26 But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
May the Lord comfort my family. He makes us lie down in green pastures. He restores our soul.
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